% Titlepag.tex copyright 1992 Victor Eijkhout \EmptyPage \begingroup\AlwaysIndent:no \PointSize:25 \Style:bold Lollipop Unwrapped \white:30pt \PointSize:20 \SetFont Victor Eijkhout \white:50pt \PointSize:15 \Style:roman A manual for the Lollipop \TeX\ format,\par last updated 15 November 1992 \EjectPage \endgroup \Chapter Contents \Section Regular sections \LoadExternalFile:contents %\Section Implementer's notes %\LoadExternalFile:impnotes \Section All of the options (You know, this section and the next look much better if you sort the \file{manual.oix} and \file{manual.cix} files before you format the document the last time. Do put a lines \Ver>\Writeopindex:no \Writecsindex:on